کتاب Case Studies for Interpreting the MMPI-A-RF

تاریخ ایجاد :

کتاب Case Studies for Interpreting the MMPI-A-RF

📗 ناشر : University of Minnesota Press

📝 نویسنده : Yossef S. Ben-Porath , Daniel L. Davis

💯 شابک : 9781517905323

📆 سال انتشار : 2021 - 1rd edition

📖 تعداد صفحات : 272

🌏 زبان : انگلیسی 🇬🇧


23,000 تومان

 عنوان فارسی کتاب : مطالعات موردی برای تفسیر MMPI-A-RF

A collection of illustrative adolescent case studies to aid clinicians in problem identification, diagnosis, and treatment planning--the only casebook for the MMPI-A-RF The MMPI-A-RF is linked to current models of psychopathology and personality, and features scales relevant for use with adolescents in a variety of clinical, forensic, and school settings. It mirrors the structure of the MMPI-2-RF, resulting in the most up-to-date, empirically based personality assessment for use with adolescents. Written by the authors of the earlier Case Studies for Interpreting the MMPI-A, this book continues the goal of serving as an authentic and illustrative guide for clinicians in understanding and using the MMPI-A-RF. 

Since the publication of the original Case Studies, much has changed for clinicians who assess and treat adolescents. The interpretive model described in this book demonstrates how the MMPI-A-RF can assist clinicians in assessing youth today by highlighting sixteen cases that broadly represent adolescents evaluated in clinical and forensic practice. In addition, one of the most common uses for the MMPI-A-RF is in the juvenile court setting--a landscape that has also dramatically changed since the publication of the original MMPI-A. Case Studies for Interpreting the MMPI-A-RF focuses on detailed forensic issues, including legal backgrounds, case law, and assessment methods specific to use of the MMPI-A-RF in juvenile court and related settings. 

Case Studies for Interpreting the MMPI-A-RF will assist clinicians in understanding MMPI-A-RF interpretation, while also being a valuable teaching tool for courses in assessment.


List of Tables

List of Figures


Part I. Introduction to the MMPI-A-RF

Development of the MMPI-A-RF

The MMPI-A-RF Scales

Administering the MMPI-A-RF

Scoring the MMPI-A-RF

Interpreting the MMPI-A-RF

Part II. The MMPI-A-RF Cases

The Clinical Cases

Betty: A Victim of Human Trafficking

Jim: An Adolescent with Autism

Mary: A Female with a Family History of Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

Robert: A Male with Anxiety, ADHD, and Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms

Sally: A Youth with Opioid Use Disorder

Sam: A Youth with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Depression

Sarah: A Sexually Victimized Youth

Steve: A Male with a History of Non-compliance with Diabetes Medication

Terry: A Male Referred for Self-Injurious Behaviors

The Forensic Cases

Carl: A Male Referred for a Juvenile Sex Offender Risk Assessment

David: A Youth Evaluated for Competency to Waive His Miranda Rights

Susan: A Female Arrested After Plotting to Commit a School Shooting

Sadie: Susan’s Co-defendant in a School Shooting Plot

Jordan: A Male Sexual Abuse Victim in a Civil Damages Case

Lennie: A Youth Referred for Competency to Stand Trial

Ralph: An Adolescent Evaluated for Bindover/Waiver to the Adult Criminal Justice System


